Health & Safety policy.
Our policy at ABC Studio Childcare is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees, and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose. We believe that the prevention of accidents, injury or loss is essential to the effective operation of the Nursery and is part of the education of our children. We also accept our responsibility for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by our activities. The allocation of duties for safety matters and the particular arrangements which we will make to implement the policy are set out in this policy, and sufficient resources will be made available to honour our commitment. The policy will be kept up to date, particularly as the business changes in nature and size. To ensure this, the policy and the way in which it has operated will be reviewed every year.
The arrangements outlined in this policy statement and the various other safety provisions made at ABC Studio Childcare cannot in themselves prevent accidents or ensure safe and healthy working conditions. This can only be achieved through the adoption of safe methods of work and good practice by every individual. The Director will take all reasonable steps to identify and reduce hazards to a minimum, but all staff and children must appreciate that their own safety and that of others also depends upon their individual conduct and vigilance while on the setting premises, or while taking part in the Nursery sponsored activities. We encourage employees, children, parents, volunteers and contractors to adopt a positive safety culture in all activities and to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, to minimise any adverse impact on the environment.
Children at ABC Studio Childcare should be able to experience a wide range of activities. Health and Safety measures should help them to do this safely, not stop them. We believe that common sense should be used in assessing and managing the risks of an activity.
Health and Safety procedures should always be proportionate to the risks of an activity.
General Statement and Key Responsibilities
Overall Health & Safety responsibility is with the Director, Ms. Inna Hoffmann.
Day-to-day Health & Safety responsibility lies with the Nursery Manager.
All employees must be prepared to take care of their own Health & Safety at work and must co-operate on all Health & Safety issues. They must follow the regulations of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, and any other relevant legislation.
We believe the risks in this environment to be low, but to maintain the maximum protection for staff and pupils we consider it necessary to:
Ensure the highest standards of cleanliness are maintained.
Ensure safe and clear accesses and exits from the building, including fire exits.
Regularly check the premises room by room for structural defects, worn fixtures and fittings or electrical equipment and take the necessary remedial action.
Ensure that all staff are aware of the fire procedures and that regular fire drills are carried out.
Ensure that all sockets are kept covered when not in use.
Ensure that all members of staff take all reasonable action to control the spread of infectious diseases and that they wear protective gloves where appropriate
Prohibit smoking on the premises.
Prohibit any contractor working on the premises without prior permission from the Director or Nursery Manager to negate any risks to the staff or children.
No inappropriate jewellery to be worn.
Dress code: smart and practical with sensible shoes.
No running inside the premises.
All cleaning materials to be placed out of the reach of children.
Telephone calls must be received before 8am if a member of staff is not well enough to attend work that day.
Have defined procedures with regards to bullying and behaviour management, including the use of rewards and sanctions, as well as a written policy to promote good behaviour.
Safeguard children through safe recruitment and recording procedures. Only those who hold a current enhanced DBS certificate from the Criminal Records Bureau are allowed unsupervised access to the children in our care.
Make arrangements for child protection and provide training for staff so that children can be safe in school.
Implement defined procedures for children’s care in the event of sickness, accident or injury and ensure that all staff are aware of them.
Record and monitor children’s attendance and punctuality.
Teach children so that they understand the risk involved in an activity and how to respond to it.
Ensure that our premises are kept warm during cold weather
Regularly check to make sure our floors are free from obstacles along walkways and are not damaged to minimise the likelihood of trips and slips. Our windows are designed to be safe and to allow sufficient light through to provide a bright and cheerful environment.
Maintain our hot water supply at a temperature to prevent accidental scalding.
Have a separate lockable room for the storage of any items we consider to be potentially harmful if accessed by pupils.
Only use safety-approved substances for use by children, such as non-toxic glues and paints.
Encourage all pupils to drink water and ensure that fresh water is available at all times.
Ensure that all curriculum activities are safe.
Never take a child off-site without the prior permission of the parent.
Provide smoke detectors in all fire risk areas for early warning of any problems that may arise. These are regularly checked.
Train staff in emergency first aid and at least one member of staff who has a current full first aid training certificate is present during the day. Should any incident involving injury to a child take place, a first aider will be called to assist. Ensure all staff familiarise themselves with the first Aid boxes and know who the appointed First Aider is for their area.
Ensure that children with specific allergies do not have access to foodstuffs or products that could harm them. Nuts are not allowed on the premises.
The Health & Safety poster is displayed in the basement staff room. Further advice is obtainable from Southwark Council.
The appointed First Aiders for the Nursery are listed in each room.
Specific Responsibilities
We take all necessary and appropriate action to ensure that the requirements of all relevant legislation, codes of practice and guidelines are met in full at all times. This includes the maintenance and development of safe working practices and conditions for all staff, children and visitors engaged in the Nursery sponsored activities along with taking all reasonable steps to achieve this.
The Director, Ms. Inna Hoffmann, has a duty to:
identify and evaluate risk control measures in order to select the most appropriate means of minimising risks to staff, children and others, while providing a healthy and safe environment for children to enjoy learning and to take reasonable steps to ensure that staff and children are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. This applies to activities on or off the setting premises;
be familiar with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and any other health and safety legislation and codes of practice that are relevant to the work of the school, in particular the Management of Health and Safety and Work Regulations;
ensure that all staff have been carefully selected to meet our requirements for the health, safety and security of the children in our care;
be consistent with Regulation of the Education (England) Regulations, including complying with the requirements of Working Together to Safeguard Children (HM Government), Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education (SCSRE) guidance excluding Chapter 5, DfE Guidance: Dealing with allegations of abuse against practitioners and other staff (2011), along with any further amendments as they are published.
where appropriate, ensure that staff and parents are made aware of risks identified and of the systems and procedures we put in place to deal with these risks;
provide employees with information, supervision and training to ensure they are competent to carry out their tasks and minimise cases of injury and work related to ill health;
provide arrangements that recognise our responsibilities to visitors, contractors and the public who may be affected by our activities and provide safe equipment, safe play areas, safe access and egress and maintain them in good order;
to have a clear understanding on actions to take in the event of any emergencies;
to train all our staff in the particular health and safety issues that affect children and ensure that activities undertaken by the Nursery both on and away from the setting site are risk assessed and safely managed;
monitor and review this Policy and the various systems procedures;
adopt and maintain an effective policy, organisation and arrangements for the provision of health and safety throughout the Nursery;
comply with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).
Employee duties
Employees also have the duty to look after their own and others (children, parents, volunteers and visitors including contractors) Health and Safety. Employees should also co-operate with the employer in matters of health and safety.
ABC Studio Childcare abides by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 which states: ‘No person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions.’ All staff will make themselves familiar and ensure compliance with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and any other health and safety legislation and codes of practice relevant to the work and also the particular area in which they work. They will, so far as is reasonably practicable:
be familiar with this Health and Safety policy and all safety arrangements including those for fire, first aid and other emergencies as laid down by the Director.
ensure that health and safety regulations, rules, routines and procedures are being applied effectively and carry out/be aware of hazard identification and risk assessments as appropriate for their area of work;
take part in health and safety training as required, inform their line manager if there is any reason they are unable to perform any task without undue risk (e.g. illness, incapacity, etc.);
only undertake any task for which they have been trained;
take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of any other persons (staff, children, visitors, etc.);
observe standards of dress consistent with safety and/or hygiene;
exercise good standards of housekeeping and cleanliness as well as know and apply the emergency procedures in respect of fire and first aid;
co-operate fully with their employer on health and safety matters, including following safe systems of work and ensure that all tools, machinery and equipment are adequately guarded, are in good and safe working order;
ensure that storage and use of toxic, hazardous and highly flammable substances are minimized, or where this is not practical, are correctly used, stored and labelled;
report any defects that they observe in the premises, plant, equipment and facilities and take action to ensure no one is put at risk and use the correct equipment, tools, protective equipment and clothing for the job;
report all accidents and near misses immediately, whether injury is sustained or not using an Accident Report form, promote and achieve high standards of health and safety suggesting improvements and ways of reducing risks and cooperate with other employees in promoting improved safety measures;
act as responsible parent when in charge of children, as they have a duty to under common law;
Employees should follow any health and safety procedures put in place by ABC Studio Childcare.
However if they feel that the procedure is inappropriate (e.g. it is too bureaucratic) they should discuss this and request that it is reviewed. The Nursery Manager will work with the employee to ensure that the procedures at ABC Studio Childcare are proportionate, effective and appropriate.
Health and Safety Manager (HSM) duties
The Director appoints the Nursery Manager as the on-site Health and Safety Manager for ABC Studio Childcare. They act as the focal point for day to day references on safety and gives advice; obtaining, where necessary, external advice. They will take reasonable, practicable steps to achieve this and assign clear safety functions to other members of staff as appropriate. This includes the following which is not an exhaustive list:
Monitoring the Health and Safety policy, ensuring that Director, employees and other persons involved with ABC Studio Childcare have knowledge of it and are carrying out their duties in accordance with it.
Be aware of and ensure compliance with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and any other health and safety legislation and codes of practice relevant to the work of ABC Studio Childcare.
Ensure that all employees are trained and competent to undertake their work safely, are aware of their own limitations and know they must not undertake any task unless they have been trained, are competent and are confident they can carry out the task safely in the conditions that prevail.
Ensure that all tools, machinery, plant and equipment is fit for purpose, adequately installed, guarded and appropriately used.
Ensure that all tools, machinery, plant and equipment receive planned maintenance, that maintenance records are kept, in accordance with statutory legislation where appropriate, and ensure that defective equipment which constitutes a safety hazard is removed from service immediately and clearly labelled as defective.
Collate accident information and, when necessary, carry out accident and incident investigations.
Ensure that emergency procedures including those for fire are in place, known, tested regularly and that any necessary revisions are made and disseminated.
Keeping up to date with current legislation and informing other staff and volunteers as appropriate.
Making annual health and safety inspections.
Producing, implementing and monitoring health and safety procedures, including a risk assessment strategy, emergency plans and the collating of accident and incident information.
Ensuring that the fire drill instructions are in all rooms. Ensuring that all Fire Safety policies and procedures are implemented including the external and internal fire safety audits and inspections.
Ensuring that regular visitors observe ABC Studio Childcare’s safety rules. Ensure that statutory health and safety notices are displayed in appropriate locations within the establishment.
Monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of this policy and submit a termly report to the Directors on health and safety matters.
As well as having the general responsibilities/duties of all members of staff, the Health and Safety Managers also have responsibility for ensuring that the requirements of all relevant legislation, codes of practice and guidelines are met in full at all times and for the day to day maintenance and development of safe working practices and conditions for teaching staff, support staff, children, visitors and any other person using the premises or engaged in activities sponsored by ABC Studio Childcare.
The management consider this matter of such importance that breach of Health and Safety procedures by staff constitutes misconduct and will be dealt with as a disciplinary matter. Staff and management must constantly be mindful of their responsibilities individually and collectively for the safety of themselves and their colleagues.
All children at ABC Studio Childcare are expected, within their ability to:
Exercise personal responsibility for the safety of themselves
Wear suitable clothing for the day’s activities.
Observe all the safety rules of ABC Studio Childcare and in particular, the instructions of the taff in the event of an emergency.
Use and not willfully misuse, neglect or interfere with equipment provided for safety purposes.
Recording and Reporting accidents to staff, parents and visitors
The Director ensures that ABC Studio Childcare complies with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) under which ABC Studio Childcare is required to report to the Health and Safety Executive (Telephone: 0845 300 9923):
Deaths, major injuries, more than seven day injuries.
A specified dangerous occurrence.
Visitors to ABC Studio Childcare
At all times we aim to ensure the Nursery is a safe environment for all who work or attend here. We require all adult visitors to the Nursery who arrive in normal opening hours to sign the visitors’ book in .
If any adult working in the Nursery has suspicions that a person may be trespassing on the site, they must inform the Nursery Manager or senior member of staff immediately. They will direct any intruder that they must leave the site straight away. If this does not occur the Nursery Manager or senior member of staff will contact the police immediately.
Arrangements for the Safety and Security of Equipment
The following arrangements are specifically put in place to look after all the equipment we have on our premises and any equipment that we may wish to hire or purchase.
This includes maintenance (and, where necessary examination and testing) of plant and equipment such as electrical equipment, local exhaust ventilation, pressure systems, gas appliances, lifting equipment and glazing safety.
All our electrical equipment and installations are checked by competent persons or organisations to ensure their intrinsic safety.
Our gas heating boiler and gas supply lines are regularly checked by competent persons or organisations to ensure their intrinsic safety. Access to these is strictly controlled to prevent any accidental access by pupils.
Regular visible checks are made on the integrity of all sports/games equipment to ensure connections and fixings are not loosened and the externally exposed parts are not damaged. Suspect equipment is taken out of service until repaired by a competent person or organisation.
The Curriculum
We teach the children about health and safety in order to equip them with the skills, knowledge and understanding to enable them to live positive, successful and healthy lives. Practitioners take every opportunity to educate children in this regard in the normal curriculum. We teach children respect for their bodies, how to look after themselves, healthy eating and hygiene. We also show them how to move and play safely in PE sessions. Health and safety issues also arise when we teach care for the environment and awareness of the dangers of litter.
Occupational Health Services and Managing Work-Related Stress
As a good employer we take our duties and responsibilities with regard to the welfare of both staff and children very seriously. ABC Studio Childcare has access to occupational health services including specialist medical and counselling facilities if so required.
Violence towards Staff
All adults, including staff, parents and visitors, are expected to behave in a manner which is in line with and supportive of our Nursery ethos.
If there are any concerns about the behaviours of visitors they are required to leave the premises. Any violent behaviour will be reported to the police.
With reference to children, there is a well-established behaviour management policy and procedures including the use of reasonable force and physical restraint. All members of staff are aware of the regulations regarding The Use of Force to Control or Restrain Children as set out in Education Act 1996. Staff at ABC Studio Childcare do not hit, push or slap children. Staff only intervene physically to restrain children to prevent them injuring themselves or others, damaging property (please also see Positive Handling Policy). Details of such an event (what happened, what action was taken and by whom, and the names of witnesses) are brought to the attention of the Nursery Manager and recorded in the child’s personal file. The child’s parents are informed on the same day. Records are kept of when force is used and parents are informed. Guidance is given to staff on the circumstances in which ‘physical intervention’ is allowable.
ABC Studio Childcare, in compliance with the law, is a non-smoking establishment. We do not allow smoking/vaping on the ABC Studio Childcare premises, as we do not want to present smoking as acceptable. Nor do we wish to present adult smokers as role models. Any member of staff wishing to smoke must leave the site, out of view from the children, in their own time and not in the employer’s time. Should we find any member of staff smoking at the Nursery, we would consider this a serious breach of the terms of employment.
Management of Asbestos
An asbestos survey has been undertaken with recommendations implemented. The site is free from asbestos.
Staff Guidelines on Manual Handling Techniques
As it is not possible to eliminate manual handling altogether, correct handling techniques must be followed to minimise the risk of injury. Ensure that you are capable of undertaking the task – people with health problems and pregnant women may be particularly at risk of injury.
These guidelines are particularly relevant to The Nursery where children are lifted for the purpose of changing nappies.
The techniques outlined below should be followed at home as well as at work:
Planning and Procedure:
Think about the task to be performed and plan the lift.
Consider what you will be lifting, where you will put it and how you are going to get there.
Assess the weight and centre of gravity of the load.
Assess the size of the load to make sure that you can grip it safely and see where you are going.
Assess whether you can lift the load safely without help. If not, get help. Bear in mind that it may be too dangerous to attempt to lift some loads.
Make loads easier to grasp and increase the stability of loads, which may move suddenly and unpredictably
Control harmful loads – for instance, by covering sharp edges or by insulating hot containers
If more than one person is involved, plan the lift first and agree who will lead and give instructions.
Plan your route and remove any obstructions. Check for any hazards such as uneven flooring.
Avoid lifting unsafe loads, such as damaged glass or badly packed chemicals.
Check whether you need any PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and obtain the necessary items, if appropriate. Check the equipment before use and check that it fits you.
Ensure that you will be able to maintain a firm grip.
Ensure that you are wearing the correct clothing, avoiding tight clothing and unsuitable footwear.
Remove any unnecessary packaging, if this will make the task safer.
Consider a resting stage before moving a heavy load or carrying something any distance.
Position and Correct Technique:
Stand with your feet apart and your leading leg forward. Your weight should be even over both feet. Position yourself (or turn the load around) so that the heaviest part is next to you.
If the load is too far away, move toward it or bring it nearer before starting the lift.
Bend the knees slowly, keeping the back straight.
Tuck the chin in on the way down.
Lean slightly forward if necessary and get a good grip.
Keep the shoulders level, without twisting or turning from the hips.
Try to grip with the hands around the base of the load.
Bring the load to waist height, keeping the lift as smooth as possible.
Move the feet, keeping the load close to the body - lifting and carrying with the load at arm’s length increases the risk of injury.
Avoid awkward movements such as stooping, reaching or twisting
Proceed carefully; making sure that you can see where you are going.
Lower the load, reversing the procedure for lifting.
Avoid crushing fingers or toes as you put the load down.
Position and secure the load after putting it down.
Report any problems such as strains and sprains immediately to the First Aid Officers.
Selecting and Managing Contractors
All contractors who work on the premises are required to ensure safe working practices by their own employers under the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and must pay due regard to the safety of all persons using the premises in the accordance with this Act.
ABC Studio Childcare is not currently used by hirers. If this situation was to change, hirers would need to comply with all Villa policies as described in the letting agreement.
Fire Safety - Please see the Fire Safety Policy which is an integral part of this Health and Safety Policy.
Outings and Visits - Please see the Outings and Visits Policy which is an integral part of the Health And Safety Policy.
Risk Assessment Policy - ABC Studio Childcare has a policy on Risk Assessments which is outlined in the Risk Assessment Policy.
First Aid and Medication Policy - Please refer to the First Aid and Medication Policy which is an integral part of the
Health and Safety Policy. This also includes information on how ABC Studio Childcare manages illness, accidents, hygiene, allergies and emergencies.
Child Protection - Please see the Safeguarding Policy which is an integral part of this Health And Safety Policy.
Internet - Please see the E-safety Policy which is an integral part of this Health and Safety Policy
Authorisation Form for Administration of Medication / Emergency Medical Care
This policy has been prepared with reference to:
Prepared with regard to Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, associated regulations and relevant supporting documents including: The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (as amended), and The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
Prepared with regard to the Equality Act 2010, Race Relations Act 1976, Race Relations Amendment Act 2000, Sex Discrimination Act 1986, Children’s Act 1989 and Special Educational Needs and Disability, Act 2001.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (DfE: 2014)
Health and Safety: Department of Education (DfE) Advice on legal duties and powers for local authorities, Head Teachers, teachers, staff and governing bodies (DfE February 2014).
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) School trips and outdoor learning activities - tackling the health and safety myths (HSE July 2011).
Regulatory Requirements, Part 3 Welfare, Health and Safety of Pupils and Part 5 Premises of and Accommodation at Schools of The Education (Independent School Standards Compliance Record) (England) (Amendment) Regulations.
Accidents and ill health at work are reported in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) legislation (2013) Tel: 0845 300 9923.
Health and Safety: Advice on legal duties and powers (DfE: 2014)