Equality of opportunities policy.
This policy covers the treatment of all children and how equality of opportunity, as required by the UK Equality Act 2010, is reflected in the education we offer.
ABC Studio Childcare has due regard to the aforementioned Equality legislation, and under Paragraph (2)(2) (d ii), encourages respect for other people, paying particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the 2010 Act(a):
being or becoming a transsexual person
being married or in a civil partnership
being pregnant or having a child
race including colour, nationality, ethics or national origin
religion, belief or lack of religion/belief
sexual orientation
In addition, this policy sets out the Nursery’s approach to the empowerment of individuals so that they can take the opportunities available irrespective of their race, disability, gender, beliefs, sexuality, gender or social background.
The ethos of the Nursery will support the equality of opportunity and elimination of discrimination by countering stereotypes and prejudice, and by helping all children to understand and celebrate diversity within our setting and society. This will engender a positive, calm and respectful teaching and learning environment.
Cross curricular dimensions of equal opportunities and multi-cultural education should be seen to permeate all aspects of the curriculum. As part of our curriculum we teach the children about British Values and we encourage children to learn more about their own culture and to find out about the culture and religion of others. We teach children to develop healthy respect of each other differences and to value everyone as individuals. Our provision reflects positive images of children and people of different culture, background and abilities and we challenge stereotypical ideas on what toys and type of play, activity children should be taking part in. We teach children that all the careers, professions are open to both to men and women.
ABC Studio Childcare is committed to equal treatment for all and pays due regard to the legislation and the protected characteristics as defined above. We are a nonselective setting and we believe that the educational experience is enriched if children are exposed to as wide a range of cultural experiences as possible. We recognise our responsibility to ensure positive attitudes to diversity and difference.
This policy meets our legal obligation in respect of equality and inclusion, and for supporting children with learning difficulties and disabilities in the EYFS.
Code of Conduct
The Nursery Manager and all staff play an integral role in monitoring the implementation of our policy. Through our curriculum we:
Promote tolerance of each other and respect for each other’s position within the Nursery community;
Promote positive images and role models to avoid prejudice and racism awareness of related issues;
Foster an open-minded approach and encourage children to recognise the contributions made by different cultures;
Understand why and how we deal with offensive language and behaviour
Understand that the staff will deal with any incidents promptly and in a sensitive manner.
Harassment in all its forms is unacceptable; discrimination can be a form of bullying and as such is not tolerated and is addressed through our Anti-Bullying policy.
Discrimination can take the form of direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment, associative discrimination, perceptive discrimination, third party harassment, victimisation and failure to make reasonable adjustments.
As a learning community we acknowledge and respect differences and promote tolerance and respect. ABC Studio Childcare community is committed to:
Providing a secure and accessible environment in which all our children can flourish and in which all contributions are considered and valued;
Including and valuing the contribution of all families to our understanding of equality and diversity;
Providing positive non-stereotyping information about gender roles, diverse ethnic and cultural groups and disabled people;
Improving our knowledge and understanding of issues of anti-discriminatory practice, promoting equality and valuing diversity
Reviewing regularly our childcare practice to ensure the policy is effective and that any practices which are discriminatory are challenged
At ABC Studio Childcare we promote positive attitudes and intend that our policies, procedures and activities reflect:
positive attitudes towards disabled people, good relations between disabled able-bodied people and an absence of harassment of disabled people;
positive interaction and dialogue between groups and communities different from each other in terms of ethnicity, culture, religious affiliation, national origin or national status and an absence of prejudice-related incidents;
mutual respect and good relations between gender and absence of sexual and homophobic harassment.
good quality practice in recruitment, retention and development, so all members of our community are reflected in our community.
We ensure policies and procedures benefit all employees and potential employees, for example in recruitment and promotion and continuing professional development:
whether or not they are disabled
whatever their ethnicity, culture, religious affiliation, national origin or status
whatever their gender, sexuality and with full respect for legal rights
relating to pregnancy and maternity
At ABC Studio Childcare we are opposed to all forms of prejudice including:
prejudices around disability and special educational need
prejudices around racism and xenophobia, including those that are directed towards religious groups and communities, including those that are directed against travellers, migrants, refugees and people seeking asylum
prejudices reflecting sexism and homophobia
We keep a record of all prejudice-related incidents and how they are dealt with.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Nursery Manager is responsible for implementing the policy, ensuring all staff are aware of their responsibilities and have appropriate training and support.
All staff are expected to:
promote an inclusive and collaborative ethos within the setting
deal with any prejudice-related incident that may occur and report it to the Nursery Manager;
ensure they understand the procedures in place for recording and reporting any prejudice-related incidents.
How we meet the needs of children in our care
In the EYFS, in order for a child’s individual needs to be met they are allocated a key person, with whom they develop a strong bond. The key person will become a special person for that child and someone to whom the child may go, who knows them and their family well. The key person is also someone who is largely responsible for making observations and informing the planning to meet the child’s particular needs – learning or otherwise.
Where a child may have a specific need such as allergies or possible difficulties
in any area, ABC Studio Childcare caters for their needs in a variety of ways including Support Plans and providing:
• Left handed scissors, available for those who may need such equipment
• Individual medication (allergy and other medication) is clearly labelled and located for those children who need it
• Dietary requirements are catered for – both religious and medical
Monitoring and Review
We collect and use data relating to the implementation of this policy and make decisions relating to training, resourcing as appropriate. We collect and analyse data in relation to achievement, broken down as appropriate into SEND, ethnicity and culture, language, national origin and status, and gender, making strategic decisions relating to teaching, learning, the curriculum and community cohesion activities using that knowledge.
How the provision encourages respect (see Behaviour Policy)
Positive attitudes and awareness development for equality of opportunity will be fostered through our curriculum. All members of our community are encouraged to value and respect each other in all aspects of the Nursery life including activities, circle time, mealtimes and other informal occasions. Staff are expected to model the behaviour we wish to see shown by our children.
Our community, including children, staff, parents and outside agencies ensure that any form of discrimination or any other inappropriate attitude and practice, is challenged and the behaviour treated severely to prevent any repetition. Serious incidents are recorded and reported to the Nursery Manager.