

We believe that how children learn is as important as what children learn. Our curriculum at ABC studio Childcare is concerned with the context of a child’s leaning as well as the content of their learning. We aim to prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in British Society. Children will be actively encouraged to respect and build awareness of faith and different cultures in Britain, including the fundamental British values: democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs as well as respecting the views, customs and lifestyles of other people and the wider world. 

Early Years Foundation 

We follow the framework that is provided in the curriculum guidance for the EYFS and promote learning across seven areas of learning and development. 

There are three prime areas fundamental to children’s successful learning:

  • Personal, Social & Emotional – PSE 

  • Physical Development – PD 

  • Communication & Language – C&L 

There are a further 4 specific areas through which the 3 prime areas are strengthened and applied. These equip children with the essential skills & knowledge that they need in order to thrive: 

  • Literacy 

  • Mathematics 

  • Understanding the World 

  • Expressive Arts & Design 

We aim to foster confidence and success in learning. The needs, interests and enthusiasms of the children we work with influence our planning. 

We make provision for the different starting points from which children develop: 

1 - Personal, Social and Emotional Development 

This promotes learning about wellbeing, and involves the children feeling good about themselves; knowing who they are and where they fit in. It is also about developing respect for others, social competence and a disposition to learn. 

2 - Physical Development

This area focuses on improving crucial skills: co-ordination, control, manipulation and movement. It also helps children gain confidence in what they can do and enables them to feel the positive benefits of being healthy and active. 

3 - Communication & Language 

This area is fundamental to successful learning. It involves listening attentively in different situations, following instructions and communicating effectively with each other. It also includes communication, speaking and listening in different situations and for different purposes. Confidence in all these skills is encouraged. 

4 - Literacy 

This area of learning includes enjoying looking at a wide range of books, being read to, showing an understanding or how stories are built, and reading simple words and texts. It also involves making meaningful marks and writing for a variety of purposes. 

5 - Mathematics 

This area encourages children to become confident users of key skills. These include counting reliably and confidently, making connections between sets of objects & numbers, and solving number problems. It also includes sorting, matching, recognising and following patterns, making connections and working with shape, space and measure. 

6 - Understanding of the World 

This is an area of learning where children develop crucial knowledge, skills and understanding that helps them to make sense of the world: the people and communities they live with. It also helps children to use a range of technology purposefully. This forms the foundation for later work in many other subjects. 

7 – Expressive Arts & Design 

Being creative enables children to make connections between one area of learning and another, thus extending their understanding. This area includes exploring and experimenting with different media, materials and tools. It also involves children being imaginative and using their knowledge and skills creatively through music, dance, art work, design, role-play and imaginative play and stories. 

Early Learning Goals
The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile 

In the final term of the year in which children reach age five, an EYFS Profile is completed for each child. This provides parents/carers and teachers with a well-rounded picture of the child’s knowledge, understanding and abilities. It is accompanied by a short commentary on each child’s skills and abilities in relation to the three prime areas of learning. 

EYFSP results are also reported to Local Authorities upon request.

Progress Check at Age Two 

Parents and carers are supplied with a short-written summary of their child’s development in the three prime areas of the EYFS: Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development; and Communication and Language. 

The progress check: 

  • Enables parents to have a clear picture of their child’s development, and with support from practitioners, enhance development at home

  • Enables practitioners to understand the child’s needs and plan activities to meet them

  • Notes areas where a child is progressing well, and identifies areas where progress is less than expected. 

It will describe any actions the practitioner intends to take to address any developmental concerns (including working with other professionals where appropriate). 

Key Stage One 

We broadly follow the National Curriculum. We aim to foster confidence and success in learning. The needs, interests and enthusiasms of the children we work with influence our planning. We make provision for the different starting points from which children develop. The curriculum is divided into the following subjects: 

Art and Design 

When we teach the children art we aim to: 

  • Develop their skills and awareness of the various qualities of different materials 

  • Help them form a considered opinion about art 

  • Encourage them to communicate their ideas to others.

  • Build enjoyment and enthusiasm for the subject. 

Design & Technology

We believe that children learn best from the world around them. 

We teach the children to: 

  • Be clear about what they are trying to achieve

  • Look for different solutions

  • Formulate detailed plans and designs

  • Select appropriate materials

Speaking & Listening 

Children are encouraged to speak for a variety of purposes. 
They are also taught to listen to others when appropriate. 


We foster a positive attitude to reading and children are encouraged to spend a lot of time been read to or looking through books themselves.


The children are introduced to alphabet letters and ways to write 


We aim to: 

  • Provide knowledge about locations and places on the map

  • Develop an understanding of different cultures. 

  • Build a positive image of other places and cultures


We aim to: 

  • To develop a positive attitude to mathematics

  • To apply mathematical knowledge to everyday situations and to understand the importance of such knowledge.


The children are provided with an environment where they feel happy to participate. They are exposed to a broad range of musical activities and are encouraged to perform in front of an audience. 

Personal Social & Health Education - P.S.H.E 

PSHE is taught to promote spiritual, moral, social, emotional development. It is often taught as appropriate in the setting and during the outings.

Physical Education - PE 

We aim to: 

  • Encourage whole body growth and development

  • Teach children the importance and enjoyment of physical activities

  • To enable children to develop a sense of achievement

Religious Education – RE 

We hope for the children to gain: 

  • An understanding of the beliefs and practices of major faiths 

  • Confidence in their own sense of 

  • Respect for others 


Science is taught through games and experiments and aims to:

  • To enable children to develop a sense of curiosity and the confidence to question things 

  • To help children acquire the scientific skills and knowledge to make sense of themselves and the world around them 

Provision for Children for whom English is an Additional Language

Children for whom English is an additional language do not have a learning difficulty or disability. We are committed to enabling each child to access the curriculum. In order to achieve this for children for whom English is an Additional Language we aim: 

  • To make the child feel comfortable and understood

  • To use as many visual aids such as flashcards to help focus on new words

  • To target vocabulary in each focus session

  • To develop language and understanding through games and activities 

  • To introduce lots of daily routine verbs suing the simple present tense

Our provision includes: 

  • Introduction lessons using puppets e.g. greetings, names, simple instructions 

  • The use of visuals-pictures and objects for color and shape 

  • Actions – I can jump, run, skip, hop, play, etc.

  • Introduction of pronouns - I, you, he, she, it 

  • Introduction of prepositions e.g. using a doll’s house to place things in or under, etc. 

  • Morning routines using actions e.g. brushing teeth/hair etc. 

  • Parts of the body e.g. draw around their body, name parts